Social Media Expert Checklist

Moving into 2010 the growth of “Social Media Experts” is certain to continue its spike. So I thought being the nice guy I am I would give people hoping to jump on the bandwagon a quick set of guidelines to follow in order to make the quick transition into social media superstar.

Now take note that this will not make you a legit social media marketer the likes of Neil Patel, Chris Winfield, Brent Csutoras, Jordan Kasteler, or Matt Inman. Nope.  This is purely the road you will need to take to get out of your Burger King job and into a growth industry.

Social Media Expert Checklist

If you were able to check of all of the points on the card you are surely looking to display your exciting new title to the rest of the world, so feel free to use the badge below.

Social Media Expert

13 thoughts on “Social Media Expert Checklist

  1. Ashley says:

    love it! :-)

  2. I only have 250,000 coins on Farmville :-(

    Wicked awesome post as usual Dave :-)

  3. You forgot this nugget of wisdom: Keep a 98% retweet to 2% original thought ratio on twitter and be sure to use a framejacking URL shortener.

  4. Robert says:

    Do you have a PNG file of that badge you could send me?

  5. I don’t play FarmVille. Guess I will have to give up all this social media stuff.

  6. Dave, did you have to remind me about Farmville? I’ve been trying to ignore it since I can’t get any work done while playing. :(

    Can we please ban mentioning Farmville in the blogosphere? PLeeez?

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  8. Sascha says:

    Engadge…endgag…engege…damn it!

  9. DAMN – I knew Farmville was the part of that puzzle I was missing! Can’t wait to change my avatar to a JACKASS!

  10. Bryan says:

    Woohoo, I’m a Social Media Expert. Mum would be proud.

  11. I do seo which is pretty involved with social media.

  12. Shad says:

    I would add “the ability to follow other twitter folks” so they will follow you. Do I get my badge now? Do you have it in icon format ….hehe.

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