By the Numbers: Bounce Rate

The last By the Numbers covered conversion rate.

If there is one metric more important than the rate at which your site converts it is bounce rate.

Avinash Kaushik describes bounce rate as:

It is usually measured in two ways:

  • The percentage of website visitors who see just one page on your site.
  • The percentage of website visitors who stay on the site for a small amount of time (usually five seconds or less).

I am a bit more aggressive in my analysis and so I personally prefer the latter definition (using time). But either definition is fine, each has its own slight nuance. Please check what your tool’s definition is and make sure you understand it and communicate it to your data consumers.

Basically bounce rate is a measurement that is intended to show you whether your visitors are finding the content they are looking for when they visit your site.

How do you measure this success?

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