Winter Winds of Change and the Lessons they Hold


If anyone were to ask me what I will be focusing on in 2009 it would be that concept.

I am adapting in both my personal life and professional.

Recently the Snyder family moved from South Florida, our long time home, to Utah.

This was a change of monumental proportions for us. The reasons the change is so big are obvious, and probably do not need to be stated, but I feel the reasons for the move do, and tie back into my overall focus as I head into 2009.

The move to Utah was for both professional and personal reasons.

I had hit a wall.

I had become stagnant.

My days began to bleed into each other. It effected my work. Worse it effected my family.

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Internet Marketing Lessons from Jay-Z

Sometimes pop culture can give us some of our most poniente ideas. I was listening to a few Jay-Z albums today and found that his lyrics had Internet Marketing implementations.

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Figure out what your job is already!

I haven’t blogged in a while.

It’s a good thing.

Things have been busy. We launched, our own SEO tool, and threw a great conference last week.

Usually I just blog when I get an idea, or get pissed about something. I don’t like to force it, because it is easy to spot posts that are contrived.

And so again today I feel the yearn to write.


Because most of you haven’t figured out your job yet.

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My View on Internet Marketing in Quotes from Goodfellas

The beauty of film, as with any art form, is that we can adapt a piece to our own life, no matter if the two lack surface similarities.

Thinking about one of my all time favorite movies, Goodfellas, much of film rings on parallel with Internet marketing to me.
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