Why You Won’t Be a Success, and I Pry Won’t Either

I have had the privilege of meeting a lot of successful people over the last 6 years.

They tend to break into 3 categories:

1) Visionaries  - Some people call this group “lucky” or sometimes even “opportunists.”  For me, these are all the same people, but depending on whom is painting the picture you can get a different perspective. Think about startups like Instagram. How many times have you heard, “$1 billion , all they did is put some filters in a phone app!” People never understand what it takes to see the market so clearly and execute that vision correctly at major scale, and what that means. So these people all get lumped together, because the guy that you just think is lucky, likely has a vision and understanding of things you simply don’t.

2) Networkers- These people are masters of politics. You can make an entire career out of simply knowing whom to say what to, and whom to connect that person too. People that know how to play the politics game can go far. You would think it would only work in a large corporate structure, but the skills to raise funding are similar to those used to gain ascension in a corporate setting, so these types find legs in the startup scene as well.

3) Unstoppable forces of nature – These are the folks that move heaven and earth, not the other way around. They are made of steel, and they seem to will things into existence. This is the rarest of type of successful person I have ever met, like a startup unicorn or leprichaun. If you find this guy or gal you just join their team.

I am not one for absolutes, so the reality is that most people I meet, that have been a success, fall into a mix of these three. The uber success icons can seemingly mix all three, and that is why people study them.

Here is the rub, if you don’t fall into one of these areas clearly, or a few, you likely won’t be the kind of success that people will write about one day. I can easily say that very few people that I have ever met fall into these areas.

My story is still being written, and I am not sure if it will ever be read. What I do know is that I find it difficult to place myself in one or a few of these areas from time to time. I have had my hand in creating a few companies over the last 6 years, but only CopyPress remains, and while it is growing rapidly, and in a hot space, we are literally in the infancy of our corporate lifecycle.

I am not a success today. I don’t have any of the trappings of success. No nice car. I don’t own my house. I am a part, not the whole, of a growing company. This post is as much about self reflection as it is my thoughts on success and what it takes to achieve its highest levels.


People use the term “luck” far to often. People that are really good at what they do can seemingly look into the future and stay well ahead of their competition. This doesn’t mean when they side step disaster or step into fortune they simply have fate on their side. It takes a ton of knowledge and skill to have this type of predictive capability.

Real visionaries don’t just see how their market is going to move, they understand how to capitalize on this intuition. This is where “ideas” and “execution” go in two distinct directions, and where guys like Mark Zuckerberg get labeled as opportunists. The reality is that the vision is takes to execute what you see coming is what separates truly successful people from people that crete startups that will fade into history, or people that will excel at their chosen profession while others will flounder in mediocrity.


These success types make me tired. They are always moving. Always talking. Always connecting.

This isn’t to say they are the most liked people in a room. Being skilled at networking or politicking isn’t about being well liked, it is about knowing what two people need, and how to make sure you can benefit from connecting them long term.

This may seem like a negative viewpoint of this type of successful person, however this in my opinion may be the most valuable of skillsets. People that can network efficiently, and leverage their networks effectively, can effect not only their only success but that of those around them.

Unstoppable Forces of Nature

Let me first say that this person is not merely “driven.” Lot’s of “driven” people have failed and failed miserably. Being “driven” to me is like making a New Years resolution you keep until June.

I gave my staff a tangible example  of what I mean by being an unstoppable force of nature that brought me to tears. My thought process is based on this video, which you should watch:

A dear friend, Dana Lookadoo, was recently in a traumatic accident which took the use of her legs. She posted a video to a group Facebook page showing the physical therapy routine she is undergoing to walk again.

Dana wants to walk more than anything I have ever wanted to do in my whole life. That is fact. I can’t even understand how much she wants to walk because I have never faced this level of adversity.

Unstoppable forces of nature want success as bad as Dana wants to walk.

Unstoppable forces of nature want success as bad as someone drowning wants to breathe.

Most of us can’t understand this level of determination, because it probably isn’t natural. We aren’t evolutionarily wired to care this much about modern conventions of success. We are wired to care this much about things like starving, keeping warm, wanting to live.

Incredibly successful people have figured out how to take those evolutionary needs to survive and put them in overdrive as it relates to their chosen profession or project.

If you have read Good to Great, you will recognize that corporate leaders with this personality type may actually be a negative, because once a corporation loses this type of figure, it often loses its identity.

My Journey


Honestly, I don’t know where I fit most days.

I have a pretty good understanding of the marketing space, and have been able to stay ahead of the pack, but I don’t think I have done anything near large enough to prove I am a visionary in the field.

I am an extrovert, and pretty good with people, but I don’t have the energy level to be a pure networker.

Am I an unstoppable force of nature? I am stubborn, but I don’t have a notch in my win column yet to really claim this one either.

I think time will tell for me, and for most of us.

The positive is that you can grasp differing levels of success based on having differing amounts of these attributes. This isn’t an all or nothing proposition. Just as promising, many of these attributes can be learned to some extent.

For most of you however, this all spells doom. Because it means success, real success just won’t come to you. The American* Dream (fill in your own wild card here) isn’t just going to be yours because.

You have to be DAMN SUPERHERO

You have to be able to see things other can’t.

You have to be able to bring people together in ways they never though possible.

You have to be willing to destroy anything in your way, and desire success as much as most people desire living.

Most of you aren’t cut out for it. You feel you deserve it, because you have “drive”, and you do what is asked of you. Here is a brutal wake-up call, that’s the bare minimum. If that is all you have, you should accept your mediocrity now. Being mediocre isn’t as bad as pretending to care about success, but then putting forth effort that isn’t on par with the goal.

If you are offended, then I am talking to you. If you are offended you have a decision to make.

I know I do.

The Two Sides of Business Relationships

The Two Sides:

1) Friendly, Giving Attitude Towards Your Business Relationships
2) Fierce Adherence to What is Right

You never know…

Kindness in words creates confidence. Kindness in thinking creates profoundness. Kindness in giving creates love.


In November, at Pubcon, Greg Boser and I took a number of people who were very new to the industry out to dinner at one of my favorite restaurants in the world. We escorted them there via limo, and then we took a party bus to one of the Pubcon happenings afterwards.

The concept behind the dinner was to pay it forward. I have been able to excel quickly in my field based on the support more seasoned individuals have given me, and that jump start has meant the difference.

Everyone at the dinner seemed kind of confused as to why we would do something that nice. The answer was two fold:

1. We are nice guys that like to give back to our community, as is the whole BlueGlass crew
2. However, we were also scouting out the future of our business

That brings me to the first side of business relationships, a lesson sometimes hard learned:

Be humane to everyone, because you never know who they will be in the future

Greg and I are a perfect illustration of this idea.

I first met Greg in 2009. By then he had been in this industry around 13 years, and had seen many people come and go. However, Greg took the time to get to know me, and find out what I was all about. Him, Todd Friesen, and Dave Naylor were all old guard search guys that took me in, with little reason on their part to do so.

A year and change later Greg and I are business partners helping each others dreams come true.

You never know who that goofy kid next to you at a conference is going to become. A vendor, a client, a partner, all possibilities are within the realm of reason. Outside of the simple concept of being humane for the purpose of being humane, this concept should be enough to guide us in business.

The flip side of this coin is the old adage that people will mistake “Kindness for weakness.”

I can tell you that this is unequivocally true.

You are wrong, unless you are right.

Thus it is that in war the victorious strategist only seeks battle after the victory has been won, whereas he who is destined to defeat first fights and afterwards looks for victory.

Sun Tzu

People throughout my career have mistaken my large heart for a fools mind. In these times I am able to flip a switch , and you must be as well.

Business is guided by items like contracts to set the record and guide disputes. As long as you are in the right in areas where business relationships may test you, then stand by your principles and make them stand by their agreements.

However, even in these places of combativeness, never lose your humanity. Remember the rule above. Nothing makes an opponent angrier than when you handle a disagreement in a calm, straightforward, and polite manner. Not only is this the right way to deal with a fellow human being, you will also find that it gives you incredible leverage in the dispute as you trudge forward with a clear mind and they almost always find themselves being worked into a state of emotional imbalance.

By setting your relationships with people in your professional life, including employees, into these two places you will always find success. You shouldn’t sway. Is this a time where becoming defensive or getting on the offensive is correct? If the answer is no, be guided by principle #1. Make it your default setting for all of your relationships. On top of being more successful, I guarantee you will find yourself happier.

The Road to BlueGlass

Yesterday we announced the launch of BlueGlass, our newest project, and the collective product of several people’s passion.

In my life I have had a few dreams:

1) To marry an amazing woman – In 2005, this dream came true when I married my wife.

2) To be an amazing father – In 2005, this dream also came true, and then again in 2008, with the births of my sons Dante and Dominick.

3) To become a professional musician – Total failure. I am pretty good on a bass guitar however.

4) Become the world’s greatest Internet Marketer

I was batting 50% until yesterday, which is pretty awesome. However, looking at things now, while I am not the world’s greatest Internet Marketer, my company  is positioned to take a run at the status of the world’s greatest Internet Marketing agency.

Many people have read the history of how I got into Internet Marketing, but I thought it would be interesting to take a look at the history of my role in the birth of this company from the very beginning.

Search & Social Begins

In May of 2008, I was working as an in-house SEO at JRDunn.com and living with my expecting wife and son Dante in Delray Beach, FL. I had never spoken at a conference before, and had received an invite from to speak at SES Toronto on Twitter. This invite came from me pestering Kevin on Twitter, which to this day sticks with me. Most people would have told me to beat it, but Kevin gave me my first major speaking spot.

My goal was to work as an in-house SEO and grow a lead generation network in my spare time, but when you are a Dad you don’t have spare time, so I needed some help. That same month Jordan Kasteler hit me up to interview me for a post he was doing on the unsung heroes of Internet marketing. We had never met in person, but got to talking and found we had quite a few similarities:

1) We both loved The Bouncing Souls

2) We were both young and had both agency and in-house experience.

3) We were both really into tattoos

4) We both were work and studyaholics

5) We were both talented

The conversation took off from there.  We decided to take a look at starting our own lead generation company. The concept was flawed however because we lacked one thing most lead gen companies have, money. So we came up with a concept for a company called Search & Social that would utilize our Internet marketing skills to help clients with their needs, and use that work to bring in capital for our lead properties.

We thought this was a pretty unique concept, where marketers would be working and learning on their own properties, and utilizing that information to aid clients. By mid June, we were a legitimate company, with zero capital,  no office,  a couple of hundred dollar or less domains, and a VPS. At that time Search & Social was born, and so was my son Dominick. That same month I traveled to Toronto to speak, and on my first ever panel one of the co-panelists was Internet Marketing superstar Chris Winfield.

Scary SEO

In October of 2008, we were still trying to land our first client portfolio and build out our website network.  We got lucky enough to partner up with industry leader Loren Baker on a project we were calling IMBroadcast.com. We basically wanted to see if we could do what Loren had done for SearchEngineJournal.com with video. To kick of this web property and get Search & Social some much needed marketing I came up with the idea to do an event in South Florida called Scary SEO. Jordan, being smarter than me, realized this event probably wasn’t the best idea since we had very little money coming into the company, but I could not be dissuaded. We invited our friends to come and speak, and live streamed the event. We got a ton of buzz. We also got a pretty big bill for the event. I had to sell one of my cars to actually pay for the event, a fact that not even Jordan knew until now.

As a family we were willing to put everything into my dream to be the best Internet Marketer on the planet. This is a theme that will run throughout this post.

Search & Social in Utah

In October, my wife and I also visited Utah and decided that we would take a crack at living in the state in order to grow the business. We had already invested so much, and my amazing employer, JRDunn.com, was willing to come on as a client. If we were ever going to try to make this happen it had to be now. On top of that Search & Social had its first major client ready to sign.

So off we went to Utah.

The major client fell through. It was pretty tough to look my wife in the eye for the first two months in Utah. However, Jordan and I began to get more speaking spots, and a larger and larger network. By February of 2009, we had somehow put together enough money to begin to hire some staff, and continue to scale our growth to a point we knew we could become profitable.

The one thing to remember here is that there are two little kids making these sacrifices with my wife and I, and this is something I advise any entrepeuner to think about before making major risks. Kids fuel your passion, but also increase pressure.

IM Spring Break

In the Spring of 2009, in all of our brilliance, we decided to throw another event in South Florida with the help of Loren Baker. This event was amazing, but it was also an amazing financial loss. I look back at this as money well spent now, but at the time it was tough to lose five figures on one event. We had made some amazing friends that continued to support us. Two of these people included Chris Winfield and Brent Csutoras, two of our future partners in BlueGlass.

The event is still talked about by people, and as Jordan and I boarded our plane to go home we got a call from Loren, he wanted to merge Search Engine Journal, Inc. and his consultancy with Search & Social. It was a perfect fit.

Unprecidented Growth

From the point we announced our merger in June of 2009, until  the end of that year, we saw growth that we had not anticipated. At this point our entire lead gen network went to the backburner, we had to scale at insane rates to keep up with the demand.

Two things fueled our growth:

1) We had made a name for ourselves as the guys in the industry that you could trust and wanted to work with

2) There was an insane need for link development at that time

3) We get sick results for people. We keep things pretty close to the vest, but I am pretty proud of what we are able to do.

Due to the growth we had some major issues:

1) We were not prepared for the reporting and customer service clients expected

2) We didn’t know how to scale staff

These turned out to be amazing problems to have, because they were the catalyst for us creating the software behind Second Step Search and our current procedures that I feel are the best in link marketing. We grew our revenue by 500% from June to December.

We figured out how to turn the difficult to monetize SEO consulting model into an extremely profitable results driven machine.  At the end of 2009 we launched Second Step Search to begin offering our software and resources.

A Late Night Call

In April of this year, I got a late night text from Chris Winfield asking some cryptic questions. I was intrigued and asked him to give me a call. Over the next three hours he told me about some offers he had for 10e20 that didn’t feel like a good move for him, and it had him thinking about what could be accomplished by creating a powerhouse company with intergrated service offerings. It seemed like a great idea, but how plausible was it?

My main thought, “How the hell are we going to merge all of these chiefs into one company?”

But the most amazing thing about BlueGlass so far has been our ability to create logical organizational constructs, and moving partners into logical business units. So for example, I am not running 1/7 of  BlueGlass fighting over every move, instead I handle 100% of search marketing for the company. This concept, and some amazing early advisers we brought in allowed us to build a pretty impressive company in 1.5 months.

So what is BlueGlass?

1) A company with over 40 employees, several hundred contractors, and 4 offices. (We will hopefully be opening BlueGlass China in the next 12 months)

2) A company that offers a full suite of Internet marketing services and workflow solutions/software with staff members of unparalleled expertise handling campaigns

3) A company dedicated to giving back to the Internet marketing community through content and conferences

4) Likely the first of many agencies to roll up out of several successful consultancies into one powerhouse

To me it represents a little more. This is the completion of another of my dreams, and now reopens the world to me again. I am looking at everything through new eyes. How can we take something as amazing as BlueGlass and make it something even more amazing? What will the next dream that I will look to conquer?

This story should also serve to explain the road we had to take to get where we are today. It was tough, and I often wonder if we didn’t have luck to thank as much as hard work and talent. Regardless I now sit at my desk, at one of our companies four offices, and think , “is this real?” It often doesn’t seem that way to my wife and I. Two years ago we had to sell a car to pay for an event, and now we are putting on amazing events like BlueGlass LA just for marketing purposes.

Hopefully this explains to you why this is such an incredible moment in my life, and I want to thank you all for supporting me on my path to date.

Getting to Know You

I have detailed a lot about myself in the last six months on this blog. Most of it has been to share my story to show others what they can achieve, and also that issues will come along, and how to handle them.

When I first started immersing myself in this industry I had a tough time. People will find this interesting, but I am painfully shy. Like to the point where I am uncomfortable in large social settings. I have figured out ways to cope with my social awkwardness in order to keep myself from handicapping my growing businesses.

I know there have to be others out there like me.

Next week I will be in New York for SES New York. I am attending to show off our new company Second Step Search, and to speak on a few panels. I would love to meet as many people as I can while I am there. However, if I don’t get things rolling before I go, I will spend all my time working.

So here is our chance to be social in a setting of comfortability. Let me know something about you, and also let me know if you are attending SES New York. If you see someone interesting in the comment thread reach out to them as well. Get a pre-conference conversation going and take it into the event.

Manly Man’s SEO in a Box

My newest video on IMBroadcast.com is for my new product,the Manly Man’s SEO in a Box.

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