Marketing Tools: Why Most of Them are Hot Garbage

As an Internet Marketer I use a ton of tools on a daily basis, and our staff uses even more. It is part of the game, and weeding through the crap can take a ton of time.

What takes even longer is training a staffer how to properly use the tool.

This is the disconnect that happens with tools related to Internet Marketing. People think if they buy a great tool, automatically it is going to create a change in the way they approach and succeed on the Internet. That’s a bunch of hot garbage.

Photo by Jchetan

A hammer, in and of itself, is simply a mixture of wood and steel. However, in the right hands a hammer can build a home. No matter what the hammer is comprised of in terms materials, in the end it is just a tool, and without expertise it is worthless on how to use it, it is simply a way to hang a picture.

This is a problem I see with a lot of Software as a Service.

That is part of the reason that when we designed the tools for Second Step Search we built them with labor as a major component. Think of it as “Service as Software”. The tools allow us to find links, qualify them, and the labor builds them. On a massive scale. The same with our content offering. We can produce more content, in more languages, at higher levels and lower prices due to the software we have built to manage the writers and editors who create the copy.

Imagine a tool, that doesn’t leave the heavy lifting up to you. It is a restaurant, where all other marketing tools are a grocery store.

The Japanese Grocery Store
Photo by buck82

That’s what makes me so excited about this project. We are giving people tools to get actual production they need, regardless of their personal skill set. I know personally I have tried almost every SEO or social media tool on the market, and probably have found 5% to be useful for my daily work. The issue is that most of these products were created for the developers themselves to use in conjunction with their skill set and knowledge base, leaving them almost useless in anyone elses hands.

On that note, there are tons of great tools, and SEJ Tools offers a version of one of them. What I will say is that if you are purchasing tools to equip your staff, you should also equip them with training on how to leverage those tools effectively.

Guest Post:Pros and Cons of Outsourcing your SEM

By now, anybody who wants to succeed in online business knows the importance of Search Engine Marketing (SEM). The big bad world of the Internet can be a trying place for the meek and docile. You need to aggressively and assertively promote your company and products everywhere on the Internet where you think your target customers hang out. This needs total dedication and hard work from your part or from the SEM company that you hire. Every online business knows that SEM is an important aspect to building brand image and managing company reputation. Most online businesses have embraced SEM techniques, and they either have an in-house SEM team that works on their marketing campaigns, or they outsource their SEM requirements to professional search engine marketing companies. This leads us to these questions: “Which is better, outsourcing your SEM or doing the SEM yourself?” and “What should I keep in mind when choosing a search engine marketing company?

The answers to both questions are the same. If the cons outnumber or outweigh the pros of outsourcing, then, it’s better to stick to your in-house team. If the pros outnumber the cons, it’s better to outsource your SEM. Therefore, let’s study the cons and pros before we come to a conclusion.

First, the Cons
The first thing that comes to mind when discussing the cons of outsourcing your SEM is the cost. SEM is a long process, and there is no SEM technique in the world that can promise you immediate results at the press of a button. Finding the right SEM marketing strategy for your brand and company will take a lot of time and research. By outsourcing, you will be entering into a long term relationship with a SEM company, which also means that you need to allocate a budget for your SEM on a regular basis. By doing the SEM yourself, you can cut costs as you will be paying your employees anyway to do their jobs. If you outsource, the feeling that you’re paying for the employees of a different company while your own employees can do the job at a lesser cost will weigh on your mind.

Having your in-house team work on your SEM gives you control. Outsourcing your SEM to another company might not give you the facility of total control over the proceedings. This can lead to incompatibility issues at both sides. When you do the SEM yourself, you are in total control, and you’ll know when to apply the brakes and when to let go. When you outsource, there is no guarantee that the SEM company that you hired will be dedicated in improving only the traffic and rankings of your company. Your SEM company might have a list of companies like you that have outsourced their SEM to them. So, what are the chances that your investment is given the priority it deserves? In addition, what if the SEM company is also partnered with your competitors? In that situation, where will the loyalty of the SEM company lie?

Like mentioned earlier, SEM is a long process, and if you outsource your search engine marketing to a SEM company, leaving or breaking the relationship after a period is very hard. This is because the SEM company would have already built your company’s image and reputation on the Internet, and when you break the relationship, the transfer of knowledge might be hard as most SEM techniques that were used will be in the minds of the employees of the SEM company. Thus, when you break the relationship, you’ll end up having to start all over again.

The Pros:
When you enter into an agreement with a SEM company that you want to outsource your search engine marketing, you’ll be doing this only after fully analyzing the prospects that such a move offers you. SEM is not a single point strategy, and it requires a lot of time, brain, and skill investment to come out with viable SEM strategies. When you outsource, you’ll end up paying the workers of another company, but, when you calculate your Returns on Investment (ROI), the costs are more often than not, justified. Talking to the SEM company on your budget concerns before signing the agreement will enable the SEM company to work out a strategy that meets your needs and budget. Remember, as with competition in your field, the competition among SEM companies is also huge. Therefore, getting a SEM company that can work and deliver results for you is very easy.

The loss of control is minor in comparison to the benefit of dedication that a SEM company offers to your search engine marketing needs. SEM companies have professionals that have years of experience in the ways of the Internet. These guys have a hands-on knowledge of all SEM methodologies that might take years for your in-house SEM team to learn. Nothing can replace the expertise that these people have on the subject. C’mon, this is what these guys do for their bread and butter, while you might have a thousand other ways to earn yours. Think of it this way; everybody knows where the fishes come from. Does that mean everybody goes into the ocean to catch fish when they feel like eating one? The fishing is best left to the fishermen, who know where the fishes hang out in the ocean and what sort of fish tastes better and fetches a better price in the market. Similarly, you might be able to do SEM yourself as you might know the basics of SEM, but your SEM is best left to professionals who know where, when and how to promote your brand and business.

There are always ways to ensure that your business interests are protected when you outsource your SEM. There are many tools like Google analytics, for example, to measure the progress your traffic is making after you outsource. There is no way that a SEM company can cheat you out of your investment because you’ll be monitoring your progress anyway, and if you feel that your ROI is low, you can always opt out before it’s too late. Most businesses start seeing more traffic after outsourcing their search engine marketing. Therefore, the chances of you losing money on that front are pretty slim. The only difference is that the better SEM companies drive better traffic to your website, that’s all.

In summary, the positives of outsourcing your search engine marketing far outweigh the negatives. Your time is better spent improving the quality of your products/services. Leave the job to dedicated professionals and let them take care of bringing in more people to buy your products and services.  Here are some additional articles on the pros and cons of outsourcing from SEMPO and iMediaConnection.

Article Author: , an SEO & Social Media Analyst at Search & Social.  Ryan is an active member of many social media communities, and has worked to understand the intricacies of social interaction and engagement from the inside out.

12 Things Internet Marketers Should Do Everyday

Let me preface this list that if you actually make a conscious effort to do this everyday, as if it is some type of religion, then I will come to your house and punch you.

I am not L. Ron Hubbard. This is not my Dianetics.

But these are 12 great things to do everyday if you are actively making your own, or someone else’s money online.

1. Check your damn analytics – If you owned a brick and mortar you would be making daily notations of how many people purchased items at your store, what items were purchased, and even informal assessments of foot traffic.  The same is true of your online business. Utilizing analytical programs actively can be a great way to monitor the online reputation and issues with the search marketing campaign for your website through recognition of traffic patterns.

2. Update your Facebook presence – Each day add some frieds, change your status, or do something else to keep your facebook page fresh. I keep getting questions about how utilizing Facebook is useful. Well Marty at aimclear said it better than me so I will let him explain. But in the end everything you do online must by looked at like a pyramid, with seeding being the foundation and your goal being the the pinnacle.

3. Monitor your online reputation – Whether you use the world’s stupidest online reputation tool, or the worlds greatest, make sure you are monitoring your online reputation everyday.

4. Read at least one Internet Marketing blog post – I don’t use a feed reader. I usually let Twitter tell me what I should be reading. Take time once a day to at least devour one blog post.

Some great blogs to start out on include:

Search Engine Journal

David Harry’s Huomah

Rae Hoffman’s SugarRae

Michael Gray’s Wolf Howl

Occam’s Razor by Avinash Kaushik

SEO Book


Aimclear Blog

We Build Pages Blog

5. Try to utilize a new tool each day – I get this tidbit from Jordan Kasteler. He loves SEO and social media tools, and rightfully so. They can sometimes do the heavy lifting for you. The only way you are going to find the tools that best fit you are by trial and error.

6. Hit StumbleUpon once a day and just Stumble – You can get all kinds of inspiration from seeing the content other people viewed as being valuable. There are other benefits from stumbling that could take an entire article.

7. Utilize Twitter – Man I shouldn’t even have to explain this one. Twitter has emerged as a key social media platform, and if you aren’t utilizing it everyday then you are missing huge opportunities, in business and social terms.

8. Take an hour and do something that isn’t Internet related – Go play with your kids, spend time with your significant other, read a book, play video games, whatever. Because when all is said and done life isn’t about work, its about our relationships with others. The more balanced your life is the better you will be at marketing.

9. Check your competitors out – Don’t live in a defensive bubble. Check out what your competition is doing, and figure out how to one-up-them. This means looking at their site, link portfolio, and even online mentions. Get their blueprint, and build upon it.

10. Thank print media for being stubborn – Everyday when you wake up, you should thank everyone in print media for refusing to rethink their business model and sending you all of their former advertisers.

11. Check out IM Broadcast for the latest in Internet Marketing video – Ok, that’s a shameless plug, but if you know me, you know I’m a whore.

12. Thank God, Allah or whomever that you get paid to play on the Internet. Think about how stupid and yet wonderful that sounds.

Be an Internet Glass Chewer, not a Glass Jaw

This post will seem like a rant in spots, but if you stick with it I think some of you will be inspired enough in your efforts to fill your pockets with a little extra coin; the only result that matters in our industry.

I read a post by Lisa Barone at entitled Don’t Be Popular. Be Useful. , and got to thinking about how some of those same concepts translate past blogging into the actual fabric of the industry.

The ratio of self-promoting perpetrators in our industry to actual talent seems to be ever increasing.

The former is soft and glass jawed, the later is a mean spirited glass chewer.

The former has a limited value based mostly on a segmented time line, the later will be an innovator in our industry as long as there is one.

You shouldn’t really need to have me tell you which one of these two schools you fall into, but I love allegory so let me tell you a tale to help you understand what the heart of a glass chewer is made of.

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Market Networking for Link Building and Rep Management

Optimizing a site for search often revolves around your ability to gain links from high quality sources.

Protecting your brand on the web is often connected to your ability to quickly and transparently address issues that may soil your reputation.

Both of these important Internet marketing tactics, need to be cultivated through a healthy foundation of market contacts.

I discussed one way I address this during my in-house, enterprise work in my Site Rejuvenation post. A few comments were made about the time consuming nature of this concept. It is time consuming, but the point of the plan is to gain the high quality links in rich text that can make or break an SEO campaign. Market networking and Site Rejuvenation don’t take any more time than most spend purchasing links, and their effects have more upside.

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